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House Democrat Just Filed Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump

House Democrat Just Filed Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump

One month after Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green grandstanded on the floor "I do not do this for political purposes," a second Democrat has now formally introduced his own article of impeachment against Trump. California Rep Brad Sherman follows the same path as Green, accusing the president of obstructing justice during the federal investigation of Russia’s 2016 election interference.

How Hermitage Capital, Ziff Brothers And The Clinton Global Initiative Prompted The Trump Jr. Meeting

How Hermitage Capital, Ziff Brothers And The Clinton Global Initiative Prompted The Trump Jr. Meeting

When Trump Jr. took his now-infamous meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya he was promised "official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."  That said, Trump Jr. has since described Veselnitskaya's 'damaging information' as nothing more than "inane nonsense."

So what "information" was Veselnitskaya peddling that could be used as a political weapon in the 2016 presidential election? 

5 Charts That Explain Just How Screwed Your State Is

5 Charts That Explain Just How Screwed Your State Is

We've spent a lot of time of late discussing the precarious financial positions of states like Illinois, Connecticut and New Jersey which each suffer from their own myriad of financial threats including massive budget deficits, monstrous unfunded pension liabilities, pending debt downgrades, etc.  In case you've missed those notes, here is a recap for your amusement:

'Generation Z' Are Nothing Like Millennials, Professor Warns Liberals

Authored by Dan Jackson via,

A political science professor in Pennsylvania says Democrats need to worry, because the generation replacing their millennial allies on college campuses has a distinct libertarian streak.

Jeff Brauer, a professor at Keystone College, has been gathering data on “Generation Z,” and recently told The New York Post that he expects the rising generation of college students to differ markedly from those currently dominating campus culture.

New Study Suggests War Lust May Have Cost Hillary Clinton The Election

New Study Suggests War Lust May Have Cost Hillary Clinton The Election

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Late last week, I came across a fascinating article published at Mondoweiss highlighting a recent study positing that Hilary Clinton may have lost the election to Donald Trump partly as a result of her well documented lust for imperial war and aggression.

Here are a few excerpts from the piece:
