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presidential election

Trump Plans "Pretty Severe Things" In Retaliation Against North Korea

After praising Poland’s conservative ruling party during his visit to Warsaw on Thursday, President Trump quickly shifted his focus back to the escalating missile crisis in North Korea, saying that he is contemplating “some pretty severe things” to retaliate against Kim Jong Un after he tested an ICBM on America's independence day, capable of reaching US territory.

“I have some pretty severe things we’re thinking about," Trump said at a news conference in Warsaw. "Doesn’t mean we’re going to do them. I don’t draw red lines."

After Failing To Prove "Trump-Russia Collusion", Dems Set Their Sights On "Pro-Trump Websites"

After Failing To Prove "Trump-Russia Collusion", Dems Set Their Sights On "Pro-Trump Websites"

Having failed miserably to produce even one single shred of tangible evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to stage a coup in 2016's presidential election, Democrats, rather than simply admit that their entire crusade to prove a false narrative was nothing more than a charade designed to cover up their embarrassing defeat, have decided to shift the narrative to target "pro-Trump websites."  You know, because a couple of websites sharing stories over Facebook clearly overshadowed the 24/7 Hillary Clinton cheerleading sessions on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, New York

Over 500,000 Syrian Refugees Return To Government-Controlled Areas Of Syria

Authored by Whitney Webb via,

Crucial to the Western narrative of the Syrian conflict is the assertion that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a brutal dictator who has taken to killing his own people over the course of Syria’s six-year-long conflict. This allegation has been the crux of the “humanitarian” justification for foreign military intervention in Syria that would seek to depose Assad’s government, a justification frequently used by the U.S. and its allies prior to an invasion or the toppling of an extant regime.

Georgia Sec. Of State Blasts "Fake News"; Says Media Biggest Threat To Democracy Not Russian Hackers

Back in December, the Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, publicly blasted the Obama administration and the Department of Homeland Security for repeated attempts to hack into his state's election system.  Kemp figured the attempts were nothing more than an effort to expose security flaws in state election systems so that Homeland Security could designate all election systems as "Critical Infrastructure" and seize control in a massive "federal power grab."  Here is a recap from our previous post:

Why Quantitative Tightening Will Fail

Why Quantitative Tightening Will Fail

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

After nine years of unconventional quantitative easing (QE) policy the Federal Reserve is now setting out on a new path for quantitative tightening (QT).

QE was a policy of money printing. The Fed did this by buying bonds from the big banks. The banks would then deliver bonds to the Fed, and the Fed would in turn pay them with money from thin air. QT takes a different approach.
