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presidential election

Why The Left Refuses To Talk About Venezuela

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

During the 2016 presidential election, Bernie Sanders refused to answer questions about Venezuela during an interview with Univision. He claimed to not want to talk about it because he's "focused on my campaign." Many suggested a more plausible reason: Venezuela's present economy is an example of what happens when a state implements Bernie Sanders-style social democracy. 

You May Be Suffering From Presidential Derangement Syndrome

You May Be Suffering From Presidential Derangement Syndrome

Authored by Joey Clark via,

Taking to the Senate floor Tuesday under a veil of earnest hyperbole common among those who fall under the “geriatric” label, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York uttered a plea to his Senate colleagues.

“The country is being tested in unprecedented ways,” Senator Schumer said. “I say to all of my colleagues in the Senate: History is watching.”
