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the primary

Bill Clinton: "Sometimes I Wish We Weren't Married"

Yesterday it was the irony of "sexist" Sanders' claims. Today, Hillary's husband is at it again - making headlines for all the wrong reasons...

As NBCNews reports, in his last appearance before the primary here on Tuesday, former President Bill Clinton said he wishes "sometimes" that he wasn't married to Hillary Clinton because then he could speak more freely.

"Sometimes when I am on a stage like this, I wish that we weren't married, then I could say what I really think," Bill Clinton said before introducing his wife at a rally.

What To Expect in New Hampshire

Barring a dramatic collapse tomorrow, Donald Trump is going to win the New Hampshire primary by a wide margin. He has consistently led the rest of the field there for months by double digits, and his supporters seem committed to him. The race for second place among the Republicans is where things are most uncertain, but before we get to that Trump’s very likely victory tomorrow deserves a few more comments.

Rubio’s Bad Debate

Freddy Gray comments on Rubio’s bad performance Saturday in the eighth Republican presidential debate:

It was awkward. In total, he said the same line four times. He didn’t look like an election winner, to put it mildly. As the debate went on, Rubio regained his footing. He finished strongly with a passionate defence of his opposition to abortion. But by then it was too late. He had had his shocker. He had shown once again what a deeply flawed candidate he is. He may look polished, but he is not accomplished. He isn’t comfortable thinking on his feet.
