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Turkey Fast-Tracks Bill Approving Troop Deployment To Qatar

In the ongoing diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Gulf/Arab peers, which is either the result of Saudi nat gas envy or - for those who watch CNN - Russian hacking, Turkey has emerged as a vocal  supporter of the small but wealthy state.  On Tuesday, Turkish President Recep Erdogan defended Qatar, saying he personally would have intervened if accusations that the tiny Gulf emirate supports "terrorism" were true and said he intends to "develop" ties with the embattled Gulf state hit by sanctions from Saudi Arabia and its allies.   

STOP THE PRESSES: U.S. Intelligence Says Russian Hackers Are to Blame For Qatar Crisis


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You've got to be a complete imbecile to believe in these Russian fairytales. How pervasive and powerful are these Russian hackers after all? Are our cyber experts merely standing around with dildos in their mouths, as these powerful king makers plant FAKE NEWS across the world -- causing rifts, election upsets, and wars?
