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Republican Party

Trump Picks Chris Christie To Lead White House Transition Team

Trump Picks Chris Christie To Lead White House Transition Team

One week after Donald Trump made the surprising announcement that he hired former Goldman Sachs partner and Soros employee, Steve Mnuchin as his national finance chairman as he begins to roll out his presidential fundraising operation (Mnuchin has said he hopes to raise as much as $1 billion), Trump announced moments ago that he has picked Chris Christie to lead his transition team, which would prepare the political neophyte turned presumptive GOP nominee for the White House if he wins in the general election.

All Politics (Henceforth) Is Local

Reformed pastor Steven Wedgeworth, a conservative, says the Trumpening offers a good opportunity for Evangelicals to formally leave the GOP. He calls on fellow conservative Evangelicals who are 40 and under to “admit it. We voted Republican because of the issue of abortion and a desire to protect our religious values against government coercion.”

Well, now that you put it that way, Pastor, I’m 49, and that’s the only reason I have voted Republican at all for the past 10 years. Wedgeworth continues:

Can the GOP Civilize Trump the Barbarian?

My latest column at The Week begins thusly:

With his last two opponents, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, out of the race, Donald Trump is now the presumptive nominee for president of the Republican Party. As Kublai Khan conquered the ancient Song Empire of China to become its first barbarian emperor, Trump swooped down and conquered the once-mighty party of Lincoln. Now that party has to figure out how to respond.

Speaker Ryan Ditches Donald: "Just Not Ready To Support Trump"

So much for Reince Priebus' urging the party to unify around the presumptive Republican nominee. Speaker Paul Ryan said he was "just not ready" to support or endorse Donald Trump as the GOP nominee during an interview with CNN, laying "the bulk of the burden for unifying the party" at Trump's feet...

“To be perfectly candid with you … I’m just not ready to that at this point. I’m not there right now,”

