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Republican Party

Twitter Threatens Trump Ban Over "Harassment And Hateful Conduct"

Since November 8th, the mainstream media and the social media giants of Silicon Valley have launched an all-out crusade against so-called "fake news" sources (of which we're apparently one).  Twitter has gone so far as to purge dozens of "alt-right" accounts and just yesterday Reddit CEO, Steve Huffman, announced that he too would ban the "most toxic" Trump supporters who had the audacity to call him names after he abused his administrative privileges to alter other people text threads.

Is Demography Electoral Destiny?

Is Demography Electoral Destiny?

Kevin Drum has a rather strange post up about California and Proposition 187. He argues as follows:

Here’s what California has looked like in presidential elections over the past 35 years:

Unless I made a mistake somewhere, Prop 187 had precisely zero effect. As the non-white population of California rose, the Democratic share of the presidential vote rose in almost perfect tandem. After 1994, it continued growing at the same rate as ever.

Paul Ryan Finally Folds, Will Vote For Donald Trump

After weeks of withholding a formal endorsement of his party's presumptive nominee, Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he will vote for Donald Trump for president. "I'll be voting for @realDonaldTrump this fall. I'm confident he will help turn the House GOP's agenda into laws," Ryan's campaign account tweeted, linking to an article in The Gazette, his hometown newspaper in Wisconsin.

Trump Beats Clinton the Way He Beat Bush

The end of May has brought terrible news for Donald Trump, as conventional wisdom would have it. Over Memorial Day weekend, the Libertarian Party nominated two Republican ex-governors, Gary Johnson and William Weld, as its ticket for November, while Bill Kristol assured Twitter that there would be neoconservative-friendly “independent” on the ballot as well. Hillary Clinton led Trump by just 1 point in the RealClearPolitics aggregate of national polling, but as polls catch up to these events, Trump is sunk. Isn’t he?
