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Alan Dershowitz Slams New York Times For Trump Jr. "Treason" Claims

Over the past couple of days, the emergence of details regarding Trump Jr.'s meeting with the Russian-born lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya has prompted a return of the Trump-Russia mass hysteria on the part of the mainstream media and the left. Hillary Clinton's former running mate, Tim Kaine, even went so far as to refer to Don Jr.'s meeting as "treasonous."

Meet The Next Trump-Russia Narrative: The "Jared Kushner-Run Digital Operation"

After the Trump Jr. "bombshell" thoroughly runs it's course, which, based on what we know right now, seems inevitable given that the entire premise of the meeting looks increasingly like "inane nonsense" (see: How Hermitage Capital, Ziff Brothers And The Clinton Global Initiative Prompted The Trump Jr. Meeting), the mainstream media will need a new Trump-Russia narrative to fill their airtime.  Barring any new revelations from anonymous sources, as McClatchy points out, that new narrative could very well be focused on Trump's "Jared Kushner-run digital operation."

How Hermitage Capital, Ziff Brothers And The Clinton Global Initiative Prompted The Trump Jr. Meeting

How Hermitage Capital, Ziff Brothers And The Clinton Global Initiative Prompted The Trump Jr. Meeting

When Trump Jr. took his now-infamous meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya he was promised "official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."  That said, Trump Jr. has since described Veselnitskaya's 'damaging information' as nothing more than "inane nonsense."

So what "information" was Veselnitskaya peddling that could be used as a political weapon in the 2016 presidential election? 

"We Are Forced To Strike Back": Russia Set To Expel 30 US Diplomats, Seize US Assets

When Obama announced the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and the seizure of Russian diplomatic compounds in Maryland last December, in response to alleged Russian interference in the election, Putin just smiled and said Russia would not retaliate, expecting that relations between Russia and the US would normalize under president Trump.

The Saker: The Syrian Powderkeg - "I'm Not Convinced There Is A US Strategy"

Authored by Adam Taggart via,

Following up on our recent warning about the situation in Syria, Chris sits down this week for a conversation with The Saker, who writes extensively on geo-political and military matters. The Saker (a nom-de-plume), is a former intelligence expert with professional and personal insights into Russia and the Middle East.
