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Trump To Talk Syria, Ukraine With Putin At G-20 Summit; "Russian Meddling" Reportedly Not On The Agenda

Trump To Talk Syria, Ukraine With Putin At G-20 Summit; "Russian Meddling" Reportedly Not On The Agenda

Last week we quipped that it appeared as though Trump had officially scheduled his first kick-off planning session for the 2020 presidential elections when NBC News confirmed that he and Putin would meet later this week at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg.  While details are still scarce on the agenda for the meeting, the White House is now saying that discussions between the two controversial world leaders will center around Syria and Ukraine.  Per The Hill:

The Mad Chase For Russia-gate Prey

The Mad Chase For Russia-gate Prey

Authored by Daniel Lazare via The Strategic Culture Foundation,


June turned out to be the cruelest month for the Russia-gate industry.

The pain began on June 8 when ex-FBI Director James Comey testified that a sensational New York Times article declaring that “members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials” was “in the main … not true.”

Oliver Stone Tells Ron Paul: Edward Snowden Is The "Most American Of Patriots"

Director Oliver Stone, who’s recently released series “The Putin Interviews” stirred up controversy among liberals who accused him of being a Russian propagandist, appeared on the Liberty Report with former Texas Congressman Ron Paul to discuss the documentary, his views about former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and why the US’s aggressive approach to containing the purported threat posed by Russia has led to a breakdown in relations between the two powers.

Deception Inside Deception: The Alleged Sarin Gas Attack

Deception Inside Deception: The Alleged Sarin Gas Attack

Paul Craig Roberts

Seymour Hersh, America’s most famous investigative reporter, has become persona non grata in the American Propaganda Ministry that poses as a news media but only serves to protect the US government’s war lies. Among his many triumphs Hersh exposed the American My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Abu Ghraib torture prison run by the Americans in Iraq. Today his investigative reports have to be published in the London Review of Books or in the German Media.

Feeding Frenzy In The Echo Chamber

Feeding Frenzy In The Echo Chamber

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

The best comment on the June 13 Jeff Sessions Senate testimony, and I’m sorry I forgot who made it, was that it looked like an episode of Seinfeld. A show about nothing. Still, an awful lot of voices tried to make it look like it was something life- and game-changing. It was not. Not anymore than Comey’s testimony was, at least not in the sense that those eager to have these testimonies take place would have liked it to be.
