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Smoking Gun Proof that Russia Hacked the Entire World

As shown below, the allegations that Russia has been hacking the entire world have been thoroughly vetted and verified.


Germany’s intelligence agency accused Russia of deploying cyberattacks to destabilize the government!

(But German intelligence agencies later found no evidence of Russian interference.)

And last December, German security officials said that Russia hacked secret German communications and provided them to Wikileaks (English translation).

Everything You're Not Being Told About The US War Against ISIS In Syria

Everything You're Not Being Told About The US War Against ISIS In Syria

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

It’s time to have a sane discussion regarding what is going on in Syria. Things have escalated exponentially over the past month or so, and they continue to escalate. The U.S. just shot down yet another Iranian-made drone within Syrian territory on Tuesday, even as authorities insist they “do not seek conflict with any party in Syria other than ISIS.”

Stockman Warns "A Great Big Coup Is On The Way"

Authored by David Stockman via The Daily Reckoning,

So let’s start with an obvious point about the whole Russia fiasco…

Namely, there is no “there, there.” First off, the president has the power to declassify secret documents at will. But in this instance he could also do that without compromising intelligence community (IC) “sources and methods” in the slightest.
