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Iran, China Conduct Joint Naval Drills

Last summer, when the Syrian conflict was near its peak under the Obama administration, China unexpectedly warned it was ready to enter the proxy war when in a stunning announcement, Xinhua reported that Beijing was prepared to side with Syria and Russia, against the US-led alliance, and that Xi and Assad had agreed that the Chinese military will have closer ties with Syria and provide humanitarian aid to the civil war torn nation.

Trump Cornered: White House Pushing To Weaken Russia Sanctions Bill

Trump Cornered: White House Pushing To Weaken Russia Sanctions Bill

After the Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill to implement new sanctions against Russia over "interference in the 2016 U.S. elections" and curbs President Trump’s power to ease penalties against Moscow in the future - without consultations with US allies in Europe -  President Trump has found himself cornered in what appears to be a lose-lose position.

New Democratic Bill to Establish a 'National Russian Threat Response Center', Thrusting America Deeper into Russophobia

Rep. Joe Kennedy introduced a bill to fight back against 'russian meddling' that will establish a 'National Russian Threat Response Center', whose goal will be to fuck with Russia on a regular basis. What is the point of such an idiotic layer of expensive bureaucracy? After all, isn't it the job of the lauded '17 intelligence agencies' to already do this job? I suppose this is the reward for all of this Russian bullshit, a great big payoff that will employee more deep staters, lavishing them with salaries, pensions, and healthcare benefits.
