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Paul Craig Roberts Warns "The French Election Is A Catastrophe For World Peace"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Marine Le Pen’s defeat, if the vote count was honest, indicates that the French are even more insouciant than Americans.

The week before the election the Russian high command announced that Washington had convinced the Russian military that Washington intended a preemptive nuclear first strike against Russia. No European leader saw danger in this annoucement except Le Pen.

Days Before He Was Fired Comey Asked For "Significant Increase" In Funds For Russia Probe; DOJ Denies

With the political punditry debating whether Trump's real motive to sack Comey was the FBI Director's escalating probe into Trump's ties to Russia, despite - as Trump stated in his letter to Comey - the president allegedly being assured three times there was no investigation - the NYT reported moments ago that Comey had requested a significant increase in funds and personnel in connection with the Russia probe just days before he was fired.

From the NYT:

Trump-Lavrov "Didn't Discuss Absurd Election Interference Allegations" - Live Feed

Trump-Lavrov "Didn't Discuss Absurd Election Interference Allegations" - Live Feed

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov is holding a press conference following his discussions in The Oval Office with President Trump, who described it as a "very, very good" meeting.

President Trump “clearly stated his desire for businesslike” relations with Russia, according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who met with President Trump Wednesday.

French Election A Catastrophe For World Peace

French Election A Catastrophe For World Peace

Paul Craig Roberts

Marine Le Pen’s defeat, if the vote count was honest, indicates that the French are even more insouciant than Americans.

The week before the election the Russian high command announced that Washington had convinced the Russian military that Washington intended a preemptive nuclear first strike against Russia. No European leader saw danger in this annoucement except Le Pen.
