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Trump-Lavrov "Didn't Discuss Absurd Election Interference Allegations" - Live Feed

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov is holding a press conference following his discussions in The Oval Office with President Trump, who described it as a "very, very good" meeting.

President Trump “clearly stated his desire for businesslike” relations with Russia, according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who met with President Trump Wednesday.


Lavrov began...

"First of all, we have discussed our cooperation on the international stage. It’s been confirmed that despite all the difficulties, our countries can and must act together to help solve key problems on today’s international agenda."

Additionally Lavrov took a swing at Obama...

"our talks now are free of ideology, as they were in Obama's era, but we talk business now. How to solve world issues together."

Lavrov jabbed Democrats and the media's constant questioning, stating that:

they "did not discuss the absurd election interference with Trump."

Lavrov says Russian President Vladimir Putin “doesn’t want to follow lead of those who poison our relations to the point of no return”

Putin and Trump “will see each other in July” at the G20 in Germany, says Lavrov.

Lavrov Press Conference Live Feed...