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Russia Is Pissed: Threatens To Spill Obama Admin Secrets If US Intel Doesn't Stop Leaking

h/t Josh Caplan from VesselNews | Gateway Pundit contributor

Towards the end of a press briefing in Russia late last week, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova made several comments about Russia's frustrations with the Obama State Department over leaking diplomatic plans the United States had asked Russia to keep secret, and then issued what can only be construed as a warning in response to the flood of highly classified information finding it's way from the US Intelligence Community to the media.

Trump Asks Why Intelligence Committee Isn't Probing The Clintons

Following a day of drama involving the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, who has been under constant onslaught by Democrats ever since his disclosure last week that Trump had indeed been the object of surveillance, and whose Democrat peer at the Intel panel, Adam Schiff, on Monday night called for Nunes to recuse himself, moments ago Trump waded into the news cycle when he asked on Twitter why the House Intelligence Committee is not investigating the Clintons for various ties of their own to Russia.

Schiff Calls On House Intel Chair To Recuse Himself From Russia Probe; Nunes Refuses

Schiff Calls On House Intel Chair To Recuse Himself From Russia Probe; Nunes Refuses

Update: Nunes has refused to step down from the Russia probe, The Hill reports. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told reporters Monday evening he will not step down from the committee's investigation into Russia's interference in the United States presidential election, despite a chorus of Democratic lawmakers demanding he recuse himself. 

"Everything is politics here," Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said, as reported by a journalist from Voice of America.

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Sanctioned Russian Bank Confirms It Met With Trump's Son-In-Law

In what is emerging as the latest headache for Donald Trump, a state-run Russian bank which has been under U.S. economic sanctions since 2014 disclosed on Monday that its executives had met Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and key policy adviser, during the 2016 election campaign. As reported previously, Kushner has been asked to discuss the contact, and a meeting during the same period with the Russian ambassador, with a Senate committee probing Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election.

Russia Continues to Allow Washington to Finance Protests in Moscow and Other Russian Cities

Russia Continues to Allow Washington to Finance Protests in Moscow and Other Russian Cities

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