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Putin Gold Buying Is Back – Buys One Million Ounces In January

Putin Gold Buying Is Back – Buys One Million Ounces In January

Russia Gold Buying Returns - Adds Substantial One Million Ounces To Reserves In January

Russia gold buying returned in January with the Russian central bank buying a very large 1 million ounces or 37 metric tonnes of gold bullion.

The increase in the gold reserves came after Russia did not buy a single ounce in December - a move seen as potentially a signal or an olive branch to the U.S. and the incoming Trump administration.

Red Hysteria Engulfs Washington

Red Hysteria Engulfs Washington

Submitted by Eric Margolis via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

President Dwight Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex made half a century ago ring as loud and clear today. The soft coup being mounted against the Trump government by America’s ‘deep state’ reached a new intensity this week as special interests battled for control of Washington.
