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Russia Calls For A Peoples ‘New World Order’

Russia has announced plans to usher in a peoples version of the ‘New World Order’ as citizens around the world reject globalization en masse.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia would now be seeking closer ties to Washington following Trump’s victory, and will push to promote sovereign interests whilst continuing to strongly reject NATO. Yahoo News reports: “Responsible leaders should make a choice, I hope that the choice will be done in favor of creating a democratic and just world order,” Lavrov said at the Munich Security Conference Saturday attended by world leaders, including Vice President Mike Pence. “If you want, you can call it a ‘post-West world order,’ when each country, based on its sovereignty within the rules of international law, will strive to find a balance between its own national interests and the national interests of partners.” His remarks came as growing number of Republican and Democratic lawmakers have called for an independent investigation into President Donald Trump’s ties to Moscow. His national security advisor, Michael Flynn, resigned Monday after the Washington Post published an investigation that revealed Flynn was haggling with the Kremlin over U.S. sanctions. Lavrov did not mention the scandal, but did outline his hopes for working alongside [...]

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