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Turkish Troops Open Fire On Russian Military In Syria

Turkey have open-fired on Kurdish YPG militia and Russian troops operating within the Syrian-Turkish border, as military tensions escalates between Russia and Turkey in Syria.  Turkey have asked the United States for military assistance in a ground operation as Russian troops advance closer to its borders. reports: A large-scale joint ground operation is still unlikely: Washington has ruled out a major offensive. But the request shows how swiftly a Russian-backed advance in recent weeks has transformed a conflict that has drawn in most regional and global powers.

Will 2016 Be The Year The West Goes To War With Russia?

Diplomatic relations between Russia and the West are officially at their lowest point in history, with Russia declaring a new cold war against the West and the U.S. continuing to impose sanctions against its fellow superpower.  Many people believe the world is dangerously close to an all out World War 3 scenario, and experts say that 2016 will be the year it ignites. reports: As for the United States, one may already talk about another arms race between our countries.

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey shelled Syria for a fourth consecutive day on Tuesday as Ankara steps up efforts to bolster rebels in the face of an advance by the Kurdish YPG. “As many as 150 terrorists were killed during the 4-day-long shelling targeting PYD points,” the pro-government Yeni Safak wrote today, adding that “the PYD, backed by both the US and Russia, is working with President Bashar al-Assad to control areas along the Turkish border.”

Why Tomorrow's "Secret" Meeting Between Russian, Saudi Oil Ministers Will Not Lead To A Cut In Production

Why Tomorrow's "Secret" Meeting Between Russian, Saudi Oil Ministers Will Not Lead To A Cut In Production

For the past two weeks recurring flashing red headlines of an agreement, or at least a meeting, between Russia and Saudi Arabia - the world's two largest oil producers - have led to aggressive short-covering rallies in oil on just as recurring hopes that the Saudi strategy of flooding the market with excess supply (by its own calculations as much as 3 million barrels daily) adopted during the 2014 Thanksgiving Day OPEC meeting, will come to an end.

Saudi Arabia And Turkey Willing To Give Peace A Chance In Syria

Saudi Arabia and Turkey are willing to wait for the peace process in Syria to unfold before committing to a ground invasion, with the help of a US-led coalition, according to officials. S The Independent reports: A Saudi diplomat said Sunday that Saudi Arabia was “very serious” about sending ground troops into Syria, but will first wait to see whether plans for a pause in hostilities agreed by the United States and Russia transpires.
