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Man Behind Trump "Dossier" Subpoenaed After Refusing To Testify, Will Plead The Fifth

Man Behind Trump "Dossier" Subpoenaed After Refusing To Testify, Will Plead The Fifth

For all the talk of obstruction and interference by the Trump camp, it's neither Donald Trump Jr. nor Paul Manafort who are challenging their scheduled testimony in the Senate next Wednesday, but rather the man who according to many started the whole "Trump Russia collusion" narrative, who is doing everything in his power to avoid testifying next week.

In Raging, Bizarre Tweetstorm Trump Slams Leaks, "Amazon Post", "Failing NYT", Hillary, GOP Senators

Trump may have broken a personal tweetstorm record on Saturday morning, when starting shortly after 6:30am, in a furious blast of ten tweets (and still going), Trump lashed out at the "Amazon Washington Post", the "failing New York Times", touched on his right to pardon, questioned why the Attorney General isn't looking at the "many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes" and the "33,000 emails deleted", asked "what about the Clinton ties to Russia including Podesta Company, Uranium deal, Russian reset, big dollar speeches", compared Donald Jr.'s email disclosure to Hillary Clinton's email deletio

Trump Preparing Counteroffensive; Begins Investigating Mueller's Team For Conflicts

Trump Preparing Counteroffensive; Begins Investigating Mueller's Team For Conflicts

Over the past two days there have been some rather substantial developments in Special Counsel Mueller's investigation into alleged ties between President Trump and the Kremlin.  First came the news yesterday that Mueller planned to expand his probe to review Trump's personal business transactions, an announcement which sent stocks tumbling on the day (see: Mueller Expands Probe Into Trump Business Transactions: Dollar Tumbles, Stocks Slammed).  Meanwhile, just this morning we learn that the Trump legal team has been shaken up with Kasowitz out (not terribly surprising after his recent emai

Lavrov Scoffs At Western Media: "Trump-Putin May Have Met Multiple Times... In The Bathroom"

Headlines ripped across social media - 'the Russians admit that Trump and Putin may have met more than 3 times' - sparking an instant 'I told you so' from the 'left' proving the conspiracy of collusion is correct. However, we note that the source of this new story, Russian Foreign Minister Sergie Lavrov, compared these conversations to "children mingling at a kindergarten," making fun of an NBC reporter, adding "maybe they met in the toilet?"
