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Is Trump Repeating Hillary's Mistakes? The WSJ Thinks So

Is Trump Repeating Hillary's Mistakes? The WSJ Thinks So

Via The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board,

Even Donald Trump might agree that a major reason he won the 2016 election is because voters couldn’t abide Hillary Clinton’s legacy of scandal, deception and stonewalling. Yet on the story of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, Mr. Trump and his family are repeating the mistakes that doomed Mrs. Clinton.

"We Are Ready To Retaliate" Russia Warns After "Diplomatic Row" Ends Without A Deal

"We Are Ready To Retaliate" Russia Warns After "Diplomatic Row" Ends Without A Deal

Shortly after CNN reported late on Monday that according to Russian deputy foreign minister Rybakov, the Russian government was "almost" at a deal on getting back property seized by the US...
