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Clinton Ally Begala: We Should "Debate Whether We Should Blow Up" Russia

Clinton Ally Begala: We Should "Debate Whether We Should Blow Up" Russia

Via The Daily Beast,

Long-time Clinton family ally Paul Begala on Wednesday evening seemingly suggested President Trump should consider bombing Russia in response to the Kremlin’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, the former adviser to Bill Clinton lamented how Trump supporters don’t seem particularly outraged about Russia’s meddling in American affairs.

“We were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power,” he said,


How Finland Is Preparing For A Russian Invasion

How Finland Is Preparing For A Russian Invasion

In September, Russia will conduct its Zapad 2017 military exercise, the largest since the end of the Cold War, and one which is already sending shivers down the spine of NATO, which not only has "serious doubts Moscow is revealing the true extent of its military exercises", but because the last time such a major training exercise took place was just before the Crimea "annexation." One country, however, isn't taking chances: Russia's northern neighbor Finland, which as the WSJ reports, is "going underground."

Mysterious Hacker Leaks Emails Of Top US State Department Expert On Russia

Coming at a "sensitive" moment for US-Russian hacking diplomatic relations, on Friday Foreign Policy reported that emails belonging to a senior US State Department intelligence official involved in Russian affairs have been leaked by a hacker known as "Johnnie Walker." The official, whose work is focused on Russian domestic affairs and who was described to FT as “probably the top intelligence guy in the entire U.S.

The Non-Issue of Trump Jr.’s Emails

Stephen Lendman sums up the latest fake news

The Non-Issue of Trump Jr.’s Emails

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Anything about Russia, Trump, his family and team consistently is overblown, misrepresented and lied about by what he justifiably calls the “dishonest media.” Indeed!!

Trump Jr.’s meeting and email correspondence with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya amounted to much ado about nothing.
