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Senate vote

In Early Tweetstorm, Trump Lashes Out At Sessions For Ignoring "Hillary Crimes"

The feud between Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions started early on Tuesday, when President Trump, in an early tweetstorm lashed out at the attorney general whom he accused of taking a "VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes.”

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!” Trump tweeted.

Illinois Tax Rate Soars 32% After Senate Overrides Governor Veto

Illinois Tax Rate Soars 32% After Senate Overrides Governor Veto

Two days ago when we reported that the Illinois House had voted 72-45 to pass a 32% income tax hike (and a $36 billion spending plan), in an last ditch scramble to provide the state with its first budget in three years (or else suffer the first ever US downgrade to "Junk"), we said that "ultimately, the fate of Illinois' credit rating is now in the hands of Rauner, and whether and how fast his imminent veto is overriden."

Democrats Have Enough Votes To Block Gorsuch Nomination, "Nuclear" Showdown Inevitable

Democrats Have Enough Votes To Block Gorsuch Nomination, "Nuclear" Showdown Inevitable

As we previewed last Friday when Senator Clair McCaskill's "No" decision was seen by many "whip counts" as the decisive "final" vote, moments ago Senate Democrats clinched enough support to block Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court, in the process setting up what now appears an inevitable "nuclear" showdown over Senate rules later this week.
