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Senate vote

Pat Buchanan Asks "Can The GOP's Shotgun Marriage Be Saved?"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Wednesday morning, Nov. 9, 2016, Republicans awoke to learn they had won the lottery. Donald Trump had won the presidency by carrying Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. All three states had gone Democratic in the last six presidential elections.

The GOP had won both houses of Congress. Party control of governorships and state legislatures rivaled the halcyon years of the 1920s.

Trump Threatens To End Obamacare Payments, "Insurance Bailouts" Unless Repeal Passes

Trump Threatens To End Obamacare Payments, "Insurance Bailouts" Unless Repeal Passes

With the Senate having failed to repeal Obamacare, after a critical "Nay" vote by John McCain crushed Trump's biggest campaign promise shortly after midnight on Thursday, Trump is plans to kill Obamacare slowly, and this time he has vowed to take insurance companies and members of Congress down with it.

What's Next For Obamacare Repeal: A Primer From Goldman And Citi

What's Next For Obamacare Repeal: A Primer From Goldman And Citi

As reported earlier, after yesterday's surprising Senate GOP "victory", when it found the bare minimum number of votes to open debate on Republican Healthcare legislation, Republicans suffered an immediate defeat just hours later when the Senate voted soundly against (with 9 Republicans joining Democrats) a "Repeal and Replace" of Obamacare. Shortly, the Senate is expected to vote on a clean Repeal bill (it was originally scheduled for noon but was pushed back to 3:30pm) which, however, is also not expected to have the 51 votes necessary to be approved.
