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Satellite Maps: Shanghai’s Supply Chain Standstill

Satellite Maps: Shanghai’s Supply Chain Standstill

China has mandated a strict “zero COVID” policy since the onset of the global pandemic, which has led to tight lockdowns across the country whenever cases have started to spike.

Recently, lockdown restrictions have been enacted in major cities like Shenzhen and Shanghai, as China deals with one of its worst outbreaks since Wuhan in December 2019.

China Regulators Complete Final 'Drill' In Preparation For Petro-Yuan Futures Trading

China Regulators Complete Final 'Drill' In Preparation For Petro-Yuan Futures Trading

Amid all the chatter of Venezuela and Russia potentially creating oil-backed cryptocurrencies, the "huge news" of China's launch of the Petro-Yuan has fallen off the front page... until now.

This week saw the Shanghai Futures Exchange complete its fifth yuan-back oil futures contract trading drill successfully...

Xi Could Rule For "Decades" As China's New Leadership Team Unveiled

Xi Could Rule For "Decades" As China's New Leadership Team Unveiled

Xi solidified his power base with loyalists without signalling a successor. It’s looking increasingly like China and the rest of the world will be stuck with Xi Jinping beyond 2022.

As the BBC reports, China has revealed its new senior leadership committee, breaking with tradition by not including a clear successor to President Xi Jinping. The omission cements Mr Xi's grip on China for the next five years and possibly beyond, a day after his name was written into the constitution.
