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Tech Billionaires Are Funding A Plan To Break The Human Race Out Of The Matrix

Tech Billionaires Are Funding A Plan To Break The Human Race Out Of The Matrix

Authored by Jake Anderson via,

On the southwestern edge of Lake Titicaca, Peru, there is an ancient 23-foot doorway known as the Aramu Muru. Local natives call it the “Puerta de hayu Marca,” the gateway to the lands of the gods and immortal life. Throughout their history, the natives have described people disappearing and appearing at this doorway.

German 2Y Yield Plunges To Record -0.95%: Citi Explains Why It Will Keep Dropping

German 2Y Yield Plunges To Record -0.95%: Citi Explains Why It Will Keep Dropping

In his latest note this morning, DB's Jim Reid admits that "I've no idea why Bunds are rallying so hard at the moment." That said, he does attempt to provide some reasons noting that 10y yields (-4.7bps) hit 0.228% yesterday, down from their YTD peak of 0.495% intraday on the 26th of January. 2y yields also closed another -3.0bps lower yesterday at -0.932%. They traded as ‘high’ as -0.648% back on the same day.