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CNN's Jim Acosta Suffers Intense Verbal Beatdown by White House's Stephen Miller Over Immigration Policy

CNN's Jim Acosta Suffers Intense Verbal Beatdown by White House's Stephen Miller Over Immigration Policy

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Stephen Miller destroyed two reporters today, who may not recover. His first victim was the NY Times Glenn Thrush. The second, and most severely battered, was CNN's Jim Acosta -- who accused Trump's new English requirement for immigrants as a racist policy meant to import gents from Great Britain and Australia.

Miller Unloads on NY Times Reporter: Maybe We'll Carve Out a Part of the Bill to Allow Low Wage Workers at the NY Times

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The Chief White House correspondent for the NY Times, Glenn Thrush, was utterly and vigorously humiliated today -- by Trump's senior policy advisor, Steven Miller.

NY Times Chief White House Correspondent, Glenn Thrush, lost his hat today

'Maybe it's time we had compassion for American workers, Glenn.'

European Migrant Crisis Escalates: Italy Impounds German NGO Refugee Ship

European Migrant Crisis Escalates: Italy Impounds German NGO Refugee Ship

In the latest shot across the bow by Italy in Europe's latest refugee crisis, BBC and AP report that the Italian Coast Guard has impounded a German NGO migrant rescue boat and is questioning its crew on the isle of Lampedusa, amid a growing dispute over Italy's code of conduct for handling migrants at sea. Lampedusa is a tiny Italian island near North Africa which has struggled to house boatloads of migrants in recent years.

Poll Finds More Germans Fear Climate Change Than Terrorism

For a time back in 2015, there were widespread concerns that the spike in terrorist attacks in Germany in the aftermath of Angela Merkel's open door policy which admitted 1 million refugees in Germany from the middle east would lead to a popular wave of unrest, perhaps culminating with the unseating of Angela Merkel as Chancellor. It now appears that the Germans had more pressing concerns on their mind like... global warming.
