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Social Issues

Only In San Francisco: Couples Making $138k A Year Now Qualify For Subsidized "Affordable Housing"

Only In San Francisco: Couples Making $138k A Year Now Qualify For Subsidized "Affordable Housing"

You know the economics of your city are a bit distorted when a married couple earning roughly 3x the national median income can't even afford to put a roof over their head.  Oddly enough, that seems to be exactly the case in San Francisco where the Board of Supervisors has just approved a piece of legislation that would allow couples earning up to $138,000 a year to qualify for "affordable housing."  Per SFGate:

Senate Republicans Reveal New "Obamacare-Lite" Healthcare Bill

Senate Republicans Reveal New "Obamacare-Lite" Healthcare Bill

In what could very well end up being just another exercise in futility, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has just released a new version of a healthcare plan which, among other things, incorporates demands from Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to allow insurers to sell low-cost, skimpier plans all in an effort to draw conservative support for the new bill.

Called the "Consumer Freedom Amendment," we highlighted the main points of the Cruz/Lee proposal last month:

Illinois Budget: What It Does And Doesn't Do (Surprise Giveaway To Muni Bondholders?)

Illinois Budget: What It Does And Doesn't Do (Surprise Giveaway To Muni Bondholders?)

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Illinois now has a budget, the first in three fiscal years. An excellent writeup on The Stump entitled Illinois Financial Disaster: Even More Reactions to the Budget explains what passage of the budget does and does not do.

Here are some links mentioned by The Stump and a few additional links and comments by me.

The Budget Fixes Nothing

There's Just One Catch In Reed College's All-Expenses Paid Campus Visit Program: No White People Allowed

There's Just One Catch In Reed College's All-Expenses Paid Campus Visit Program: No White People Allowed

High school seniors from all over the country considering the option of attending Reed College in Portland, Oregon have an amazing opportunity to apply for an all-expenses-paid program, including round-trip air travel, room and board, to visit campus ahead of the fall semester...there's just one catch: whites need not apply. 

The program is called the "Discover Reed Fly-In Program," but if you're a poor person, who happens to also be white, then you're just shit out of luck.
