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Tucker Carlson Debates BLM Supporter Over Segregated Blacks-Only Event

Tucker Carlson Debates BLM Supporter Over Segregated Blacks-Only Event

Tucker Carlson debated a horribly racist Black Lives Matter supporter last night - compelling his guest to distance herself from the group by the end of the interview...

Last weekend, a New York City BLM group decided to throw an "Exclusively Black' Memorial Day party creating what they called an 'Exclusively Black Space.'

Being intentional about being around Black People is an act of resistance. This is an exclusively Black Space... -NY BLM Group

Fighting Systems Of Oppression: UCLA Will Now Pay Students To Be "Social Justice Advocates"

Fighting Systems Of Oppression: UCLA Will Now Pay Students To Be "Social Justice Advocates"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As the warped social justice ideology has proliferating on college campuses, “bias response teams” have also multiplied. Though they were unheard of several years ago, they now exist on over two hundred college campuses. They consist of students and administrators who basically act as “speech police.” They narc on students (and encourage students to narc on each other) who are guilty of speech that isn’t sensitive or politically correct.

Would Congress Authorize Bankruptcy For Illinois And Other States? Yes, Inevitably

Authored by Mark Glennon via,

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -Arthur Schopenhauer.

For Illinois or another state to formally go bankrupt, the United States Congress would have to pass legislation.

Would they? I think so.

Mass Immigration & The Looming Disappearance Of The Dutch Population

Mass Immigration & The Looming Disappearance Of The Dutch Population


A change in demographic trends takes 50 year before they become plainly visible. The decline in fertility in the sixties started to become visible after 50 years. Cerberus, our population simulator, shows with scientific precision that the replacement of the European society has started, and within 50 years it will be visible and irreversible.
