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Here Are The 66 Programs That Trump's Budget Eliminates

Here Are The 66 Programs That Trump's Budget Eliminates

President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

As The Hill reports, some of the programs would receive funding for 2018 as part of a phasing-out plan.

Here are the programs the administration wants on the chopping block...

Agriculture Department — $855 million

Ron Paul On The Drug War: Will The Trump Administration OD On Authoritarianism?

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Proseprity,

Last week Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered federal prosecutors in drug cases to seek the maximum penalty authorized by federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Sessions’ order represents a setback to the progress made toward restoring compassion and common sense to the sentencing process over the past few years. Sessions’ action also guarantees that many nonviolent drug law offenders will continue spending more time in prison than murderers.

Trump Seeks Historic $3.6 Trillion In Spending Cuts, Including Selling Half The US Strategic Oil Reserve

Trump Seeks Historic $3.6 Trillion In Spending Cuts, Including Selling Half The US Strategic Oil Reserve

More details of President Donald Trump's first budget proposal were reported Monday by Bloomberg and Reuters. The leaks add to the picture of what we know about Trump’s budget, which also includes a flurry of leaks published by The Washington Post, the Associated Press and Bloomberg late Sunday, which fleshed out Trump’s plans to slash entitlement spending.
