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Greeks Need To Start Having Babies Again Or Face Financial Oblivion

Greeks Need To Start Having Babies Again Or Face Financial Oblivion

Authored by Narjas Zatat via,

People in Greece can’t afford to have more than one child, and many are opting to have none at all.

Fertility doctor Minas Mastrominas tells the New York Times that some women have decided not to conceive, and single-child parents have been asking him to destroy their remaining embryos.

He said:

After eight years of economic stagnation, they’re giving up on their dreams.

"All I Have Is Hunger" - Many Venezuelans Too Weak To Protest Despite Maduro Misery

"All I Have Is Hunger" - Many Venezuelans Too Weak To Protest Despite Maduro Misery

While tens of thousands of angry Venezuelans turned out for the 'mother of all protests' yesterday, facing an increasingly hostile military/police state, the numbers could have been significantly larger but for the fact that legions of poor Venezuelans are simply too frail from starvation to protest.

Some say they are intimidated by armed pro-government militias who scour the slums for signs of dissent. Others say they are afraid to lose the few food handouts the cash-strapped government still provides.

Trump Demands For Border Wall Funding May Force Government Shutdown Next Week

Trump Demands For Border Wall Funding May Force Government Shutdown Next Week

After a week of flip-flops on everything from the value of NATO to labeling China a currency manipulator, moves which quickly earned him the moniker of 'flipper-in-chief' from a disgruntled base, Trump, under internal pressure to show legislative achievements ahead of the 100-day mark, is gearing up for a government shutdown fight to secure money for a border wall, more immigration enforcement officers and a bigger military.
