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Social Issues

Arizona Law Lets Police Seize Protesters’ Assets

Arizona lawmakers have recently passed a bill that would make it difficult to hold organized demonstrations in the state. The bill, SB1142, lumps rioting in with racketeering and organized crime. People attending peaceful protests that turn violent could see their assets forfeited by law. Even if a person has not committed any violence, their mere presence at the protest is enough to be treated as an organized criminal, “guilty by association.” Racketeering charges will be leveled against organizers with police eying demonstrators as potential criminals.

Parliament Considers ‘Hate Crimes Register’ – Stopping Guilty People Getting Jobs

Parliament is considering implementing a ‘hate crimes register’ that will prevent people on it from being able to get jobs in the UK. Head of Durham University Law School, Professor Thom Brooks, told a Commons inquiry that he condones the introduction of a ‘hate crimes’ register which would be similar to a sex offenders register, that will severely restrict the type of jobs people are allowed to do.

Baffled WaPo Still Arguing That Only Dumb, White Men 'Approve' Of Trump

Baffled WaPo Still Arguing That Only Dumb, White Men 'Approve' Of Trump

The Washington Post, still supremely perplexed by how President Trump managed to win the White House, is apparently even more confused now as to why his approval ratings stubbornly refuse to drop into the teens. Nevertheless, the disaffected mainstreamers at WaPo seem to derive some comfort from a handful of recent polls which all peg Trump's "approval rating" at under 50%, a statistic they victoriously used to declare the following:

"Most Americans don’t think that President Trump is doing a good job."

Buchanan: Is Secession A Solution To Cultural War?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

As the culture war is about irreconcilable beliefs about God and man, right and wrong, good and evil, and is at root a religious war, it will be with us so long as men are free to act on their beliefs.

Yet, given the divisions among us, deeper and wider than ever, it is an open question as to how, and how long, we will endure as one people.

After World War II, our judicial dictatorship began a purge of public manifestations of the “Christian nation” that Harry Truman said we were.
