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Calexit - Beat The Crowd

Calexit - Beat The Crowd

Submitted by Dennis Miller via,

Our country has become bitterly divided. No matter who won the election, I predicted we would soon be reading about states wanting to secede from the union.

Even before President Trump was sworn in, the California movement, known as Calexit, began. The first step is to ask voters to adopt a state Constitutional Amendment revoking the U. S. Constitution as the supreme law. makes this appeal:

Banned HuffPo Contributor: Trump "Must Go Through Hell Every Day If This Is How The Press Is Behaving"

Banned HuffPo Contributor: Trump "Must Go Through Hell Every Day If This Is How The Press Is Behaving"

What happens when a prolific progressive Huffington Post contributor deviates from the narrative and publishes an article admitting Donald Trump was correct about something?

HuffPo deletes the article and bans the guy, of course!

Norwegian journalist, author, and world traveler René Zografos had the audacity to suggest that Donald Trump was telling the truth about Sweden's ongoing nightmare related to the violent tidal wave of predominantly North African refugees. Zografos wrote:

Boehner: Full Repeal And Replace Of Obamacare "Is Not Going To Happen"

Back on January 12th, 8 days before Trump even officially moved into the White House, the prospects of a quick repeal and replacement of Obamacare were looking really good when the Senate voted 51-48 to instruct key committees to start drafting legislation to do away with Obama's crowning "achievement".  In fact, that early January budget resolution required lawmakers to submit repeal proposals for consideration by January 27th, a lofty goal, but welcome news to conservative voters around the country that were eager for a quick unwind of the controversial legislation.

DOJ Reverses Obama-Era Decision To Phase Out Private Prisons

DOJ Reverses Obama-Era Decision To Phase Out Private Prisons

Another day, another reversal of a legacy Obama policy.

Moments ago, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions reversed an Obama-era memo to phase out the use of private prisons, signalling his support for federal use of such facilities and advising that the Bureau of Prisons will "return to its previous approach to the use of private prisons."

Sessions issued a new memo Thursday replacing one issued last August by Sally Yates, the deputy attorney general at the time, in which he said the Obama decision "impaired" the ability to meet the needs of the correctional system.

DHS Chief Vows "No Military Force" On Deportations After Trump Describes "Military Operation"

With each passing day it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the apparent breakdown in communications between the Trump White House and his various agency chiefs.  Earlier this morning we noted one of the more egregious communication mishaps since Trump took the White House in which Kellyanne Conway told MSNBC that General Michael Flynn enjoyed the "full confidence" of the President just hours before he was fired (see "Kellyanne Conway Blasts CNN Reports That She's Been "Benched" From TV Appearances").
