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U.S. Journalist Investigating "Migrant Crime" In Sweden Has To Leave Under "Police Escort" For His Own Safety

After Trump called attention to the rising tide of migrant crime in Sweden last week, independent journalist Tim Pool decided to head to Stockholm for a first-hand look at the "crime-ridden migrant suburb" of Rinkeby.  Unfortunately, upon arrival Pool didn't get to do much investigating before arousing the suspicion of a couple of masked men who proceeded to follow him through the streets eventually leading to his prompt police escort out of the city out of fear for his crew's safety.

Pool sent out the following tweets about the incident saying that around 2:30 in the afternoon "several men started masking up" and following his crew which prompted the police to escort his team out of town with the warning that “it would get really dangerous if we don’t leave Rinkeby.”


Journalist Emily Molli, who is traveling with Pool, claimed the pair asked police if they could interview a local but were told it would just lead to trouble.


This latest incident follows rioting and looting that erupted in Rinkeby last month after police reportedly arrested a wanted person at a metro station. Several cars were burned out and a police officer and a press photographer were injured in the disturbances.

Of course, as we noted last week, this '60 Minutes' crew got a similarly "warm welcome" from a couple of migrants when they visited Sweden on February 19th...


Meanwhile, after being ridiculed by the mainstream media for his comments on migrant crime in Sweden, with each passing day, it's looking increasingly like Trump was right once again...