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The Left Is Self-Destructing: Paul Craig Roberts Rages "The Mindlessness Is Unbearable"

The Left Is Self-Destructing: Paul Craig Roberts Rages "The Mindlessness Is Unbearable"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The mindlessness is unbearable.

Amnesty International tells us that we must “fight the Muslim ban” because Trump’s bigotry is wrecking lives.


Anthony Dimaggio at CounterPunch says Trump should be impeached because his Islamophobia is a threat to the Constitution.

This is not to single out these two as the mindlessness is everywhere among those whose worldview is defined by Identity Politics.

European Union Chief Threatens Trump With “Prison Time”

One of the most senior European Union bosses has threatened US President Donald Trump with prison time over his controversial executive order the bans many Muslims from entering the United States for 90 days.  Federica Mogherini issued a direct threat to Trump, saying that if he continues with his Nazi-like immigration policy, he may end up in prison. reports: She described the decision to aid Syrians and help construct schools at refugee camps in Lebanon as an “investment” in both their lives and the EU’s own security.

Trump On A Roll, Fires Director Of Immigration And Customs Enforcement

Having said the infamous words "you're fired" once already this evening, when President Trump relieved acting AG Sally Yates of her duties just after 9pm Eastern, and perhaps realizing just how much he missed the sound, moments ago Trump also relieved acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Daniel Ragsdale, who was replaced with Thomas Homan, who previously led ICE's "efforts to identify, arrest, detain, and remove illegal aliens, including those who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who enter the United States illegally
