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Starbucks Announces Plans To Hire 10,000 Refugees

With a relentless barrage of corporate executives taking veiled, and not so veiled, shots at Trump's immigration policies, moments ago Starbuck's outgoing CEO Howard Schultz went one better, and in a letter to employees, the CEO announced plans to hire some 10,000 refugees in the 75 countries in which Starbucks does business, and furthermore added that “our Partner Resources team has been in direct contact” with employees affected by President Trump’s immigration ban."

LAPD Chief Refuses to Enforce Trump Immigration Law

LAPD Chief Refuses to Enforce Trump Immigration Law

With 'sanctuary' cities across America furiously defiant over the new administration's threats to halt Obama's taxpayer-funded law-breaking, AP reports that President Trump is reviving a program that deputizes local officers to enforce federal immigration law.

The program received scant attention as Trump announced on the same day his plans to build a border wall and hire thousands more federal agents as he looks to fulfill promises from his campaign.


"This Is Not A Muslim Ban" - President Trump Confirms Policy Is Similar To Obama's 2011 Iraqi Refugee Ban

"This Is Not A Muslim Ban" - President Trump Confirms Policy Is Similar To Obama's 2011 Iraqi Refugee Ban

Update: The White House has just released a statement confirming this is similar to President Obama's plan...

President Donald J. Trump Statement Regarding Recent Executive Order Concerning Extreme Vetting

"America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border. America has always been the land of the free and home of the brave. We will keep it free and keep it safe, as the media knows, but refuses to say.

Over 400,000 Brits Want President Trump Banned From The UK

Over 400,000 Brits Want President Trump Banned From The UK

An online petition to prevent US President Donald Trump making an official state visit to the UK has generated enough signatures to warrant it being considered for debate in British parliament.

The petition was initially opened in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s election in November 2016 but, as RT reports, following Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ executive order on Friday, it has garnered huge support online.

California To Withhold Federal Tax From Trump ‘Until Impeachment Happens’

Californian state officials are studying ways to withhold the state’s payment of federal tax dollars to Washington in order to protest against President Trump’s policies “until impeachment happens“. “State officials are putting everything on the table. Today a source in the state government told me that that involves finding ways to stop the flow of funds from California to Washington D.C.,” reported San Francisco’s KPIX 5.
