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Pena Nieto Tells Trump Mexico "Will Not Pay For Any Wall", Demands Respect

Pena Nieto Tells Trump Mexico "Will Not Pay For Any Wall", Demands Respect

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto reiterated Wednesday in a pre-taped address that his country "will not pay for any wall," but expressed willingness to work with the Trump administration.

Peña Nieto also said he had ordered government agencies to step up protection for immigrants, demanding respect as an autonomous nation, while admitting Mexico is negotiating new trade rules with US.

James Franco Claims He Attempted Suicide After Trump’s Election

Hollywood actor-and-director James Franco claims the election of Donald Trump affected him so badly that he was driven to attempt suicide. “I mean, I’ve been reacting really badly!” Franco told the Daily Beast in an interview to promote his latest film, I Am Michael. “I’ve spiraled into a depression and I’ve been questioning everything that I am, and how I’ve been doing things.” The arrival of I Am Michael—a film that needs heavy promotion—in theaters and on-demand seems to have helped take Franco’s mind off his psychological suffering and put an end to his wallowing in self-pity.

Here Are 2.3 Billion Reasons Why Sanctuary Cities Are So Upset At Trump

Here Are 2.3 Billion Reasons Why Sanctuary Cities Are So Upset At Trump

While we are sure Mayors de Blasio (New York), Emanuel (Chicago), and Garcetti (LA) are compassionate men who want nothing more than to ensure the safety of illegal immigrants in their cities, we couldn't help but notice that, following Trump's decision to defund so-called Sanctuary cities, the sound and fury spewing forth from various municipalities today was perfectly correlated with the size of taxpayer-money they received from Obama.

Not smiling today...
