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SNL Writer Suspended Indefinitely For Attacking Barron Trump

SNL Writer Suspended Indefinitely For Attacking Barron Trump

Something just happened, something we have not experienced for many years... someone suffered consequences for their actions. After over 120,000 Americans signed a petition to fire the Saturday Night Live writer who viciously targeted President Trump’s 10-year-old son Barron in a crude tweet designed to demonize the first family, SNL has chosen to suspend Katie Rich indefinitely.

Following this...

Trump To Block Visas For Citizens Of Syria, Iran & Six Other Countries

Trump is planning to sign executive orders blocking visas for citizens of seven countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa, according to congressional aides and immigration experts. He is also expected to temporarily ban refugees entering the US for several months, except in cases of religious minorities escaping persecution, until stricter vetting is in place, the sources told Reuters. The move could just be the beginning of further limits some reports have indicated.

Trump Signs Executive Orders On Border Security, Immigration Enforcement - Live Stream

As previewed last night, Reuters reports that during his visit to the Department of Homeland Security, President Trump is signing two executive orders on Wednesday including one to jumpstart the construction of the US-Mexico border wall as well as boosting border security, and another strengthening the enforcement of immigration laws.

Austin Becomes Ground Zero For Sanctuary City Battle As Texas Governor Vows To Cut State Funding

Late last week, according to the Austin American- Statesman, the newly elected sheriff of Travis County, Texas, Sally Hernandez, vowed to limit cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials saying that she would only honor immigration holds for suspects booked into the Travis County Jail on charges of capital murder, aggravated sexual assault and "continuous smuggling of persons".

Talk Radio Host, Dr. Michael Savage, Goes on Epic Rant Over DNC Candidate Sally Boynton Brown and Anti-White Democrats

In response to  poor Sally Boynton Brown's anti-white rhetoric, who is vying for leadership of the DNC by promising to shut her fellow white people down, Dr. Michael Savage offered poignant commentary -- hearkening back to when Amy Biehl was killed by S. African retrogrades --  bridging the two anti-white women together by describing them as being afflicted by an acute mental malady -- bordering on self-immolation.

Listen to the clip. I promise you it's worth your time.
