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Social Issues

Are Americans Racists?

Are Americans Racists?

Paul Craig Roberts

“Racist” is the favorite epithet of the left. Every white person (except leftists) is a racist by definition. As we are defined as racists based on our skin color, I am puzzled why we are called racists a second, third, and fourth time due to specific acts, such as favoring the enforcement of immigration laws. For example, President Donald Trump says he is going to enforce the immigration laws. For the left this is proof that Trump has put on the White Sheet and joined the KKK.

George Soros Funded Women’s March On Washington To ‘Attack Trump’

It has been revealed that billionaire agent provocateur George Soros was behind the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday. The self-proclaimed “grassroots” march for women’s rights wasn’t so grassroots, after all. A New York Times writer recently uncovered evidence that the march was orchestrated by Soros in an effort to attack and undermine President Trump. reports: The Guardian has touted the “Women’s March on Washington” as a “spontaneous” action for women’s rights. Another liberal media outlet, Vox, talks about the “huge, spontaneous groundswell” behind the march.

A Preview Of Trump's Seven Imminent Executive Orders

Having already signed a (mostly symbolic) executive order on Obamacare on Friday night, urging US agencies to "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation" of provisions deemed to impose fiscal burdens on states, companies or individuals, Trump is preparing to unload a volley of many more executive orders. Courtesy of Axios, which quotes "one of the best-wired Republican lobbyists in town", here is a preview of the initial round of Trump executive actions, some of which may hit as soon as Sunday afternoon:

Trump May "Stop Enforcing Obamacare's Individual Mandate"

Trump's crackdown on Obamacare is accelerating.

Just over 7 hours after his inauguration, late on Friday, the president signed an executive order concerning the 2010 healthcare law, telling reporters the action was meant "to ease the burden of Obamacare as we transition from repeal and replace" and urging U.S. agencies to "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation" of provisions deemed to impose fiscal burdens on states, companies or individuals.
