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Social Issues

Here's Why America's Drug War Has Been An Epic Failure

Submitted by Alice Salles via,

The U.S. government’s efforts against illicit drugs have finally run their course. With over one trillion dollars wasted over the past several decades and nothing to show but failure, taxpayers are beginning to ask a simple yet pertinent question: Is it time to end the bottomless funding of this utterly ineffective anti-drug crusade?

Live From Davos: Ray Dalio, Christine Lagarde And Larry Summers Discuss How To Fix The "Middle Class Crisis"

How do you know with certainty that Davos has not only jumped the shark, but has become a parody of itself? One answer: when you have a handful of semi, and not so semi, billionaires - perplexed by the populist backlash of the past year - sit down and discuss among each other how a "Squeezed and Angry" middle-class should be fixed.

Julian Assange Responds Amid Growing Extradition Speculation

Five days ago, Wikileaks' Founder Julian Assange agreed to US extradition if Chelsea Manning was granted clemency by President Obama...

This evening we got confirmation that Obama has indeed granted Manning clemency.
