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Social Issues

Human Rights Watch Place Donald Trump On ‘Threat List’

Human Rights Watch is placing President-elect Donald Trump on a list of people who they deem a “threat to human rights”. The organization say that Trump’s political philosophy promotes intolerance and spreads hatred throughout America. “Donald Trump’s election as US president after a campaign fomenting hatred and intolerance, and the rising influence of political parties in Europe that reject universal rights, have put the postwar human rights system at risk,” the group announced.

Debunking Loretta Lynch's One-Sided 'Chicago Cops Are Racist Villains' Statistics

Debunking Loretta Lynch's One-Sided 'Chicago Cops Are Racist Villains' Statistics

Is it fake news when on MLK weekend Loretta Lynch issues a scorching 164 page report blasting Chicago police for using force on Blacks 10 times more often then Whites... but nowhere mentioning that Blacks are murdered 15 times more often than Whites, or that Blacks are the murders 20 times more often than Whites, or that Police are 30 times more often to be killed by a Black than by a White? Seems like a shot in the face at Jeff Sessions and a gift to BLM and civil rights leaders, in the final hour...

Why Millennials Are Behind: They Earn 20% Less Than Boomers Did At The Same Age

Why Millennials Are Behind: They Earn 20% Less Than Boomers Did At The Same Age

Over the past few years, as the Millennial generation has grown into its own, in 2016 surpassing Baby Boomers as the nation's largest living generation according to the Census (Americans aged 18-34 in 2015 now number 75.4 million, surpassing the 74.9 million Baby Boomers aged 51-69), in the process becoming the fulcrum support of the US economy, it has also prompted many questions: why aren't Millennials investing in the stock market? Why aren't they starting families and buying houses? Why are they living in their parents' basements well into their thirties? Why don't they just...

Where's The Outrage?

Where's The Outrage?

Submitted by Roger Barris via,

Blind to Crony Socialism

Whenever a failed CEO is fired with a cushy payoff, the outrage is swift and voluminous.  The liberal press usually misrepresents this as a hypocritical “jobs for the boys” program within the capitalist class.  In reality, the payoffs are almost always contractual obligations, often for deferred compensation, that the companies vigorously try to avoid.  Believe me.  I’ve been on both sides of this kind of dispute (except, of course, for the “failed” bit).


S&P Downgrades City Of Dallas On "Continued Deterioration" Of Police Pension

As the City of Dallas continues to work with the Dallas Police and Fire Pension (DPFP) board on solutions to help close the pension's massive $4 billion funding hole, Standard & Poor's has finally decided that the "continued deterioration in the funded status" of the fund merits a downgrade.  As such, S&P has downgraded the city's general obligation bonds to "AA-" from "AA" and placed them on "negative watch."  Per the Dallas Business Journal:
