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In Massive Blow To California Unions, A Second Court Rules That Pension Benefits Can Be Reduced

 In Massive Blow To California Unions, A Second Court Rules That Pension Benefits Can Be Reduced

Back in September, we noted that, in a surprisingly logical decision particularly for a state like California which is typically devoid of all reason, a court upheld the rights of Marin County (and it's taxpayers) to reduce final year salary levels utilized to calculate pension payments.  The ruling was meant to protect taxpayers against "salary spiking," a practice whereby union employees artificially drive up their final year salary, by taking cash vacation payouts or 1x bonus payments for example, in an effort to game the annual pension payment they'll then receive in perpetuity.

California Makes It Illegal For Parents To Make Medical Decisions

A new Orwellian bill is being proposed in California that will make it illegal for parents to make medical decisions for their own children.  The new SB-18 bill will allow the State to seize children away from their parents and their homes if parents make medical decisions that the State deems not to be in the child’s best interests. Dr. Richard Pan, the man behind the current mandatory vaccination law (SB-277) is behind this new bill which will takes away yet more power from parents.

Celebs Call On Congress To "Obstruct Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic" Trump

A number of disaffected Hollywood celebs, including Sally Field, Rosie Perez, “Westworld’s” Jeffrey Wright, and “Boardwalk Empire” actor Steve Buscemi, have utilized the former pro-Hillary social media group known as "Humanity for Hillary" to create yet another attack message aimed at President-elect Trump. In this latest message, which refers to Trump as "racist, sexist and xenophobic," the disaffected Hollywood snowflakes call on Congress to "vigorously oppose" and "obstruct" Trump on any policy that "violates our core values as diverse Americans."

Trump Tells DHS To Prepare For Border Wall Construction

Trump Tells DHS To Prepare For Border Wall Construction

A memo from the Department of Homeland Security, which was recently reviewed by Reuters, suggest that the Trump administration plans to hit the ground running on the construction of that U.S.-Mexico border wall when they move into the White House later this month.  The memo apparently summarized a meeting held between DHS officials and Trump's transition team on December 5th in which requests were made for an assessment of "all assets available for border wall and barrier construction."
