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Demographic Shock Ground Zero: Japan Births Drop Below Million For The First Time On Record

Demographic Shock Ground Zero: Japan Births Drop Below Million For The First Time On Record

While both global monetary and fiscal policies struggle to keep aggregate demand if not rising, then at least constant, demographics continues to wreak havoc on the best laid plans of central planners around the rapidly aging world. Just last week we reported that in 2016, the US population grew at the slowest pace since the Great Depression, largely driven by the collapse in household formation as the number of Millennials living at home with their parents has hit a 75 year high.

Here's Where You Absolutely Don't Want To Be "When It All Turns Ugly"

Here's Where You Absolutely Don't Want To Be "When It All Turns Ugly"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Map Shows Us Where We Don’t Want To Be When It All Turns Ugly h/t All News Pipeline

OK, this is actually pretty obvious – but it is worth pointing out that the “archipelago” of islands across the vast expanse of the United States that carried the vote for Hillary Clinton during the election – also happens to be a ring of the liberal cities that:

The Radical Jesus: How Would The Baby In A Manger Fare In The American Police State?

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“Jesus is too much for us. The church’s later treatment of the gospels is one long effort to rescue Jesus from ‘extremism.’”—author Gary Wills, What Jesus Meant

Jesus was good. He was caring. He had powerful, profound things to say - things that would change how we view people, alter government policies and change the world. He went around helping the poor. And when confronted by those in authority, he did not shy away from speaking truth to power.

Black Man Converts 200 KKK Members By Becoming Their Friend

A Chicago man has an unusual way of combating racism: he makes friends with members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). While befriending members of a group known for lynching black Americans might seem like a strange pastime for an African-American, the results speak for themselves. Daryl Davis, a musician who has played alongside Chuck Berry and Little Richard, has managed to make 200 Klansmen see the error of their ways and abandon the KKK.
