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Social Issues

California To Create ‘Safe Spaces’ For Potential Terrorists

A new bill is being proposed in California that would allow for the creation of “safe spaces” or “safe zones” for potential terrorists in the State.  California State Senator Kevin de Leon is pushing through the “California Values Act” (SB-54) that will prevent authorities from investigating, detaining, detecting, reporting or arresting anybody deemed to be an illegal immigrant.

CNN Sued For Racist Discrimination Against Its Black Employees

CNN is being sued by former black employees who say the giant news organisation routinely discriminates workers based on the color of their skin.  A multi-million dollar class action lawsuit has been launched by former and current employees, claiming that CNN, Turner Broadcasting and Time Warner discriminate black employees. reports: Filed on behalf of two black employees, Celeslie Henley and Ernest Colbert Jr, the lawsuit alleges that black employees were paid less and had fewer opportunities for promotions.

California State Senator Files Legislation To Create "Safe Zones" For Illegal Immigrants

California State Senator Files Legislation To Create "Safe Zones" For Illegal Immigrants

Only in California.  California State Senator Kevin de Leon has introduced a bill, SB-54 or the "California Values Act" (because if you disagree with this legislation then you're obviously just an immoral, racist asshole), that explicitly prohibits "state and local law enforcement agencies" from investigating, detaining, detecting, reporting or arresting people for "immigration enforcement purposes."  Moreover, the bill would force "public schools, hospitals, and courthouses" to establish "safe zones" that "limit im
