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NFL Co-Hosts "Social Justice" Training For College Athletes

NFL Co-Hosts "Social Justice" Training For College Athletes

Authored by Toni Airaksinen via,

The National Football League has partnered with Morehouse College to host a three-day workshop dedicated to teaching student athletes strategies for “effective advocacy.”

The “Advocacy in Sport” workshop, which will be held in February, vows to teach students “how to develop and implement effective advocacy platforms that positively impact society.”

Republican Tax Plan Is Headed For Final Round Of Votes

Republican Tax Plan Is Headed For Final Round Of Votes

Barring some unforeseen catastrophe (or another floor-vote surprise akin to Sen. John McCain’s last minute decision to strike down the Senate’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare), Congressional Republicans appear all but certain to pass the reconciled version of President Donald Trump’s tax-cut plan - the first time Congress has successfully passed comprehensive tax reform since 1986.

Baltimore Residents Losing Homes Amid Crippling Increases In Water Bills To Pay For Crumbling Infrastructure

Baltimore Residents Losing Homes Amid Crippling Increases In Water Bills To Pay For Crumbling Infrastructure

With its surging violence and failing public schools, being a Baltimore resident these days doesn't seem to be that enticing a proposition.  Unfortunately, crumbling water infrastructure is only adding to the agony of residents that occupy what increasingly looks like a failed city.  As The Baltimore Sun notes today, a new study conducted by economist Roger Colton found that a series of water bill hikes, an effort designed to raise money to repair the city's crumbling water infrastructure, has left the poorest residents facing bills equal to 20% of their monthly income.

How to Act Compassionately Towards Transgender People: Do Not Encourage a Delusion

Via The Daily Bell

I’m not allowed to say what I am about to say, according to the mainstream media.

They claim the only reason I would make this argument is that I am full of hate.

The truth is, I don’t want to see the media dupe people with a mental health condition into making destructive decisions.

I came across a news story about an entire family in transition. First, the son began a transition to female, and then the daughter to male, followed by their mother to male. The mother then met someone transitioning to female, and they are now engaged.

Today's The Day: Twitter To Start Purging Users And Prevent "Certain Content From Trending"

Today's The Day: Twitter To Start Purging Users And Prevent "Certain Content From Trending"

Twitter will begin suspending accounts which engage in "hateful conduct" or affiliate with organizations which "use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes" both on and off the platform, following a November announcement. The new rules apply to whatever Twitter deems "hateful," including "hateful images or symbols in your profile image or profile header." 

Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO

Moreover, Twitter will officially begin restricting "trending" content, to wit:
