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White Lives Matter Clash With Black Lives Matter In Texas

Supporters of ‘White Lives Matter’ rallying in the Texas Capitol on Sunday were met by supporters of ‘Black Lives Matter’ near a monument honouring the contribution of African Americans to the state of Texas. Eight individuals were arrested during clashes as one side called for the “preservation of white people,” and the other for recognition that “refugees are welcome here.” White Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter American supporters each insisted that respective of colour, their lives do matter, with some White Lives Matter supporters openly carrying weapons to argue the point.

Trump Victory Sends Black American Consumer Confidence Surging To 22-Month Highs

Trump Victory Sends Black American Consumer Confidence Surging To 22-Month Highs

Well that's unexpected...

Bloomberg's consumer comfort survey shows Black Americans are at their most confident since Jan 2015 followingthe Trump election win, now more confident than white Americans.


We also note that Hispanic Americans are more confident now than before the election also. So it makes us wonder just who all these snowflake protesters are?

US Citizens Can Now Be Arrested By Immigrants On American Soil

United States citizens can now be arrested on American soil by immigrants, after the Denver Sheriff Department was ordered to begin hiring non-citizens. The Denver Sheriff Department had previously made U.S. citizenship a job requirement for its deputies. Now they have been ordered to pay a fine, identify non-citizens who have been “discriminated against” in the past, and begin hiring immigrants.

Obama Pressured To Free Central American "Asylum Seekers" Before Trump Takes Over

Obama Pressured To Free Central American "Asylum Seekers" Before Trump Takes Over

Just two days ago we shared our complete shock that Obama's justice department agreed to stay a federal court case, that would have granted amnesty to 4 million illegal immigrants, citing a "change in Administration" (see "Trump Wins Again - Obama DOJ Halts Amnesty Lawsuit In Uncharacteristic Display Of Humility").  But some immigration advocates are refusing to give up the fight and, as Bloomberg notes, are urging Obama to use his last couple of months in office to release nearly 4,000 "asylum seekers" from Central America currently being held in "jail-like" facilities in Texas and Pennsyl
