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Social Issues

Bomb Dropped on Evangelical SJWs

Russell Moore went to a big liberal Evangelical social justice conference the other day, and dropped some hard teaching on conferee heads. Excerpts:

During his twenty-eight minute discussion, Moore boldly laid out what it looks like to be a Gospel-centered social justice warrior. He tackled issues ranging from racial injustice, human trafficking, and refugees. But it was his mention of the sanctity of unborn life, sexual ethics, and the reality of Hell that had some in the room squirming uncomfortably in their seats.

Michael Hudson Warns "Millions Around The World Are Fleeing Neoliberal Policy"

Economist Michael Hudson tells The RealNews network that neoliberal policy will pressure U.S. citizens to emigrate, just as it caused millions to leave Russia, the Baltic States, and now Greece in search of a better life...


A research team from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York estimates 875,000 deaths in the United States in year 2000 could be attributed to social factors related to poverty and income inequality.


Dear Stock Market...

Dear Stock Market...

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via,

Dear Stock Market,

I need you to pull your head out of your ass.

You are paying record valuations.

But in the face of the identical earnings deterioration we saw heading into the financial crisis.

The growth you are pricing in simply cannot be realized.  Real incomes are the same level they were in 1990.

But the real S&P price level is 3x higher today.

"Dear Refugees: This Is How To Interact With Our Women" - Austrian Politician Releases Scandalous Video

In their ongoing attempts to assimilate and integrate the several hundred thousand recent middle-eastern refugees, both Germany and Austria have resorted to what some have dubbed childish measures, creating pamphlets and websites explaining what is permitted, either in public, by the swimming pool, or even what is proper and improper during sex (along with a basic sex education course). Not surprisingly, these have failed to work, as today's report of 69,000 crimes committed by German refugees in just the first quarter has demonstrated.
