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White Lives Matter Clash With Black Lives Matter In Texas

Supporters of ‘White Lives Matter’ rallying in the Texas Capitol on Sunday were met by supporters of ‘Black Lives Matter’ near a monument honouring the contribution of African Americans to the state of Texas. Eight individuals were arrested during clashes as one side called for the “preservation of white people,” and the other for recognition that “refugees are welcome here.” White Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter American supporters each insisted that respective of colour, their lives do matter, with some White Lives Matter supporters openly carrying weapons to argue the point. Sputnik reports: The Texas African American History Memorial was placed on the grounds on the State Capitol near other monuments which honor Confederate soldiers who served during the Civil War on Saturday morning. “Today we come together to proudly honor the African-Americans who helped to grow Texas from the bounty of the land, from the sweat of their toil and from the passion of their dreams,” Governor Greg Abbott said during the unveiling. “We are reminded that our work is not yet done. If we are to truly elevate Texas to its limitless potential we must continue to expand liberty and opportunity for all.” As the monument was [...]

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