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Social Issues

Is Demography Electoral Destiny?

Is Demography Electoral Destiny?

Kevin Drum has a rather strange post up about California and Proposition 187. He argues as follows:

Here’s what California has looked like in presidential elections over the past 35 years:

Unless I made a mistake somewhere, Prop 187 had precisely zero effect. As the non-white population of California rose, the Democratic share of the presidential vote rose in almost perfect tandem. After 1994, it continued growing at the same rate as ever.

The Trans-formation Of Women’s Sports

You knew this was going to happen one day:

High school girls in Alaska are crying foul after a male sprinter took home all-state honors in girls’ track and field. According to local reports, it was the first time in Alaskan history that a male athlete competed in the girls’ state championships.

Haines senior Nattaphon Wangyot–who self-identifies as a girl–advanced to the state finals in the 100-meter and 200-meter events. He won fifth place in the 100-meter dash and third place in the 200-meter. In both events, he competed against girls as young as ninth grade

Human Rights Group Fear For Life Of Jailed Teenager In Saudi Arabia

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) warns that a 15-year-old teenager imprisoned without charge in Saudi Arabia for 2 years may be executed at any time. Murtaja Abdullah Algariras was arrested at the age of 13 for attending anti-government protests in Saudi Arabia. He has been held without charge as a political prisoner and has suffered torture at the notorious Dammam jail.
