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Social Issues

Re-Tribalizing America

So this happened:

Milo Yiannopoulos’ event at DePaul University had to be cut short Tuesday night after protesters stormed the stage, blew whistles, grabbed the microphone out of the interviewer’s hand, and threatened to punch Yiannopoulos in the face.

Watch the video clip here. More from the Breitbart story:

Yiannopoulos attempted to continue the event, but protesters refused to leave the stage and the group of security guards (which DePaul forced both the organisers and Breitbart to pay for) refused to intervene.


Geek Squad Employee Spied On Customers For The FBI

An IT employee from Best Buy who worked in the companies ‘Geek Squad’ department was put in place by the FBI in order to spy on members of the public, a court has heard.  The employee has become the central issue in a case involving a Newport Beach doctor facing child porn charges which came about as a result of the FBI plant at the company. The doctor’s lawyer says the FBI effectively recruited the employee to act as a spy for them, performing warrantless searches on electronic devices.
