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Social Issues

The Faith Is Gone: The Middle Class Flees The Market As Record Low Number Of Americans Own Stocks

Three recurring laments heard in the corridors of the Marriner Eccles building are why, with stocks at record highs after levitating in more or less a straight line for the past 7 years, i) has the economic recovery not been stronger, ii) has inflation not been higher, and iii) have consumer spending and sentiment never really recovered. A just released Gallup survey may have the answer.

Elderly Man Sentenced To Death Over Marijuana Possession

A 75-year-old disabled veteran has been sentenced to death due to a mandatory sentence involving marijuana possession.  Lee Carroll Brooker grew marijuana plants in his son’s backyard in Alabama for his own medical use. When Alabama officials found out, they arrested Brooker, and sent him to prison for life without the possibility for parole. reports: How did this happen? Jesse Wegman explained for the New York Times: [Brooker] said the plants were for his own medicinal use only — he suffers from multiple chronic ailments — and prosecutors did not dispute that.
