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Social Issues

Former PM Says Sweden Needs More Migrants: "Does Any Place Still Believe In Humanity?!"

Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city with around 150,000 people.

That means more migrants entered the country last year than there are people in Uppsala. On a per capita basis, Sweden lets in more refugees than any other country in the EU. At 20,000 asylum applications per million people, the rate is twice that of Germany.

Ron Paul Exposes Conservatives' Budget Plans As Big Spending & Anti-Liberty

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

According to a recent poll, 73 percent of all Americans oppose increases in federal spending. Since this anti-government spending sentiment is a major reason Republicans control the House and Senate, one would expect the Republican Congress to hold the line on, or even cut, government spending. Yet, despite the Republican leadership’s rhetoric about "fiscal responsibility," this year’s House Republican budget spends $104 billion more than the GOP’s 2013 budget.

KKK-Dressed, Nazi-Saluting Protester Beaten Up By Black Trump Supporter At Arizona Rally

Violence at a Trump rally? Hardly unexpected. However, make that violence between by a black Trump supporter who unloaded on an abusive, KKK-dressed, Hitler-saluting white protester who was being escorted out of the building, and the absurd shock value suddenly evolves to such surreal proportions one would expect a Salvador Dali portrait of Trump in the oval cabinet to emerge any day now.

A Brutal Takedown of Ryan

Ross Douthat does not mince words in calling out House Speaker Paul Ryan as a coward on the Trump matter. You would expect Douthat to blast Ryan for being uncertain about speaking out against Trump, and he does (boy, does he ever). What I found most interesting about the Douthat column is how he indicts Ryan for intellectual cowardice. Read on:
